Monday, July 26, 2010

Deep down under the sea - UQ News Online - The University of Queensland

ABC News in Science article excerpt
Deep down under the sea - UQ News Online - The University of Queensland
"Australian scientists have discovered bizarre deep-sea life hundreds of metres down in the seas around the Great Barrier Reef."

"Ancient sharks, giant oil fish, swarms of crustaceans and a primitive shell-dwelling squid species called the nautilus were among the astonishing life captured by remote controlled cameras 1400 metres below the surface at Osprey Reef, 350 kilometres northeast of Cairns."

"Lead researcher Professor Justin Marshall, from the Queensland Brain Institute at the University of Queensland, says his team had also found several unidentified fish species, including "prehistoric six-gilled sharks".

For more information click here to see full ABC News in Science article
To see information from UQ website click here

Friday, July 23, 2010

Sustainable Schools

HOW CAN A SCHOOL BUILD SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL OUTCOMES INTO THEIR CAMPUS? The Dept of Education and Training in Queensland is on a fast track to building sustainability into its schools by providing support and resources to schools who want to turn green.

The Sustainable Schools program outlines how a school can start by developing its own School Environmental Management Plan (SEMP). This will allow a school to integrate environmental considerations into school planning as a whole. The step by step process pilots an overarching cultural shift guided by ecologically sustainable principles, adopting sustainable practises at a local level.

The SEMP tool for schools provides a choice of focus areas so every school has the opportunity to be engaged. Any school that wishes to participate can go to the Sustainable Schools website to register – click here.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Riders on the Stormwater

Water seeks its own level and it takes pollution hitchikers with it. From the time water is drawn up into the sky through evaporation it begins its search for a way back to its lowest point - the sea. When raindrops fall they create millions of tiny explosions. Falling on mountains, forests, fields and towns the rain water either sinks into the ground or begins to slide into folds and creases in the land to form rivulets and streams.

Stormwater run-off sinks into ephemeral wetlands, or collects in lakes or is channeled into stormwater drains that eventually spill out into rivers or directly to ocean outfalls. Scientific reports advise that between 80-95% of marine pollution comes from the land. Stormwater drags with it harmful pollution from a wide range of daily human activities. This fated journey coupled with the amazing natural cleansing properties of water is the perfect pollution transportation system. 

Teachers!  Looking for activities and resources on Stormwater run-off click here to go to AUSMEPA's unit on Marine Stormwater Pollution

Are some oceans or seas more polluted than others? Try Googling 'polluted oceans' for more links

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Australian Offshore Laws by Dr. Michael White

Dr White has been closely associated with AUSMEPA for many years. His book Australian Offshore Laws takes into account that our lands are bounded by three great oceans and the lives of all Australians depend on them for importing/exporting goods by sea, controlling our climate, and a plethora of other activities generating billions of dollars in wealth.

Australians live within an enormous maritime territory, the Economic Exclusive Zone. What laws apply to offshore waters will be of great interest to teachers and students studying what the legal obligations for our maritime interests, and what reforms should be considered for this incredibly valuable economic, social and environmental asset.

 To find out more about Australian Offshore Laws click here.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The End of the Line - educational version DVD

The movie "End of the Line" has become a wake-up call to the world. The movie shows firsthand the effects of our global love affair with fish as food - the imminent extinction of bluefin tuna, human impacts resulting in huge overpopulation of jellyfish with the profound implications of a future world without fish.

To get hold of the educational version DVD please contact Tiphanee Athans
Phone: (02) 8879 7003 

Click here for more information and enquiries relating to screenings of releases at film festivals and markets, or footage produced by DViQ