Thursday, November 22, 2012


AUSMEPA takes pride in their partnership network of friends. One of them is the Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative (AuSSI). It seeks to support schools and their communities to become sustainable.
AuSSI engages participants in a whole-of-school approach, to explore through real-life learning experiences, improvements in a school's management of resources and facilities including energy, waste, water, biodiversity, landscape design, products and materials. It also addresses associated social and financial issues.
The Initiative's vision is for all Australian schools and their communities to be sustainable. Find out about the key elements and resources involved.

Become an AuSSI School

How to register as an AuSSI school HERE
Areas of activity - AuSSI is a broad framework incorporating a wide range of activities which help schools and their communities to become more sustainable. Individual schools may choose to focus on certain areas that are of most relevance and interest to their school community.

Visit their website here.

AUSMEPA also invites you to explore free online sustainability units of work that are available free at

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


              Image courtesy of Dept of Sustainability, Environment, Water,Population and Communities

16 November 2012

World's largest network of marine reserves now law

A breathtaking decision by the Australia government has set aside the world's largest network of marine parks and reserves (44) within their marine jurisdiction in an area twice the size of the island continent. Protecting more than 2.3 million square kilometres of ocean environment this law was seen as a brave and insightful strategy benefiting future generations, 

In his announcement Australia's Environment Minister, Tony Burke said, "The declaration of these new marine reserves delivers on an election commitment and represents a major achievement for the long term conservation and sustainable use of Australia's oceans."

Mr Burke also advised, "Even though the new marine reserves have been designed in a way to minimise impacts on industry and recreational users, the Government recognises that there will be impacts on some fishers and we will support those impacted.". 

He also separately outlined how the Australian Government will be allocating around $100 million in fisheries adjustment assistance to support the creation of the network of marine reserves."

Fiona Maxwell, the Australian Marine Conservation Society's (AMCS) Marine Campaigner promptly sent the news to marine conservation networks that, "Today we have witnessed one of the most significant days in Australia's environmental history.".

For more information, go to

Sunday, November 11, 2012

GBRMPA Science Teaching Units cover a range of Reef related topics from Year 1 - 10

AUSMEPA is proud of it's partnership with GBRMPA in marine education and very pleased to share information on their wonderful units of work available for schools.

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Science Teaching Units
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) Science Teaching Units (Version 0.2), are now available on the GBRMPA web

The focus of these Units has been developed from the Key Focus Areas of the Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2009. The Units encourage students, teachers and their communities to follow the main aim of Reef Guardians – to be stewards of the environment.

The Science Teaching Units cover a range of Reef related topics from Year 1 - 10:

-       Year 1 - Habitat Investigations
-       Year 3 - Exploring the Reef
-       Year 4 - Endangered Species: Marine Turtles
-       Year 5 - Animal Adaptations
-       Year 6 - Let's go Fishing
-       Year 7 - Wetlands
-       Year 8 - Coral Bleaching
-       Year 9 - Ecosystems and
-       Year 10 - Climate Change.

The Early Years Activities (Foundation Year – Year 2) may be used as single science lessons or to create a series of lessons. The Year 11 and 12 Investigations Tasks may be used as either Extended Experimental Investigations or Extended Research Tasks to support the needs of students in science based units of work.

The content descriptors for these units are from the Australian Science Curriculum Version 2.0 Following the inquiry based 5Es approach to teaching science, the units are based on the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) expectations of a minimum time per week assigned to science lessons for students in each grade level. The overall units or the individual lessons could be extended or shortened to cater for individual classes as deemed necessary by the class teacher. The Units include a resource section with a guide to making judgements and links to QSA Literacy Indicators.

The Science Teaching Units are revolving documents and will continue to be updated as new information becomes available on the Australian Science Curriculum.  

If you are using these Units or parts of the Units we would be interested to hear from you. Please contact if you would like to provide feedback.


Carolyn Luder
A/Project Manager
Reef Guardian Schools
Stakeholder Engagement and Stewardship

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
2-68 Flinders St Townsville |  PO Box 1379 Townsville QLD 4810
Phone:    (07) 4750 0792
Fax:        (07) 4772 6093
Mobile:  0418731989