Thursday, September 14, 2017

TROPHIC CASCADE: How whales change climate

If you haven't been following any stories on Trophic Cascading then please view these videos. They are amazingly profound. We've long talked about food webs and their importance however these videos provide a depth of understanding that has been missing in the lay person's understanding. It shows us so clearly and makes us more fully aware of what tampering with these chains or webs can mean in a more holistic sense.

The first clip is a MUST SEE about whales and how their lives impact on us.

The second clip is just as amazing and speaks how wolf populations in North America affect water quality and upstream river integrity.

The third is a trophic cascade study of sharks and seagrass that took place in Shark Bay, Western Australia.

From the Catchment to Corner Inlet

West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority has put in some great partnership work to help protect the health of a world class wetland at Corner Inlet, Victoria. This video shows water quality improvement from the farms to the coastal segrass through awarness and action.