In the illustration above we are using a balloon, paper
mache and jute twine to create the dome shape of a brain coral.
What you need:
Look up an image of a brain coral (see a photo at Arkive, here)

- A small to medium sized balloon suitable to cover with paper mache
- Newspaper or tissue paper torn into pieces
- Paper mache glue Paints & brushes & a glass of water to rinse
- Straight sewing pins
- Piece of flat cardboard
- A ball of twine
- Glue gun
- Scissors
- A designated wet work area
What to do:
- Make up a batch of paper mache glue -- 1 cup flour and 1 cup water, and a few tablespoons of salt mixed until smooth
- Blow up your balloon to the size required and tie off the end
- Cut a slit in the flat cardboard and slide the balloon to the middle of the cardboard so that the paper mache doesn't make a mess on the table and it will help to hold the balloon steady
- Cover your balloon with 2-3 layers of newspaper or tissue paper that have soaked briefly in the paper mache glue
- Allow to dry completely
- Repeat the previous 2 steps, adding another 2-3 layers
- Using your twine make a base for the brain bommie to sit on by wrapping it round and round the bottom of the shape (see illustration)
- Observing the pattern of the brain coral you looked up earlier, you can begin to tack the twine to the dome shape. This may prove a little difficult so you may choose to use sewing pins to pin your twine to the dried paper mache [some students may need assistance]
- When you are satisfied your squiggles are where you want them you can either paint liberally with craft glue or tack down with a glue gun (heavier twine will require stronger glue)
- Allow to dry and remove from the cardboard station
Although brain coral are usually muted colours you may
choose to paint your brain coral
Arrange your brain coral bommie into a Coral Reef
project herewww.ausmepa.org.au
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