Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rhondda Alexander Memorial Education Grant now open

Following Rhondda Alexander's tragic death in July 2010, the Australian Marine Environmental Protection Association (AUSMEPA) Board agreed to establish a memorial to Rhondda in the form of an annual Grant.

AUSMEPA is proud to announce the second round of grant nominations is now open. We invite Australia schools to submit applications. 

The 2012 closing date for applications will be in midway through Term 1, and received by close of business Thursday 1st of March.


The following information and criteria will be helpful to those schools considering projects for submission during 2012.  A grant amount of up to $3,000 will be awarded to a school marine education project that leads to students actively improve the marine environment. This can include educating the local community and other behaviour change activities.  

Main criteria:

1.      Students must have a major role in organising the project.
2.      On completion of their project the students will create a video clip communication product suitable to be placed on the AUSMEPA website. Permission slips will be required.
3.      The project must have a major coastal conservation application either by direct action or involvement with community education (they have equal weight).
4.      The innovative approach to the project has application to other schools.
5.      The quality of the project content, outcomes and outputs.
6.      The grant money should used for resources not already available at school however may be used for example to go towards purchasing or hiring equipment that the school would not normally have.
7.      The application must be fully completed, signed and dated by the school Principal.

Other important information

  1. All applications must have both a concise and a detailed description of the student project. Details of expected educational outcomes for students and how this project links to marine conservation must be outlined.
  2.  An individual teacher needs to be designated as project leader and primary contact between AUSMEPA and the school.
  3. There must be a budget showing how the grant will be spent. There is no requirement to find matching funding. It is anticipated that some projects may find small unexpected variations in expenditure. Please note there is no requirement to obtain any additional funding however if other sources of funding are made available these should be detailed in the budget.
  4. The project may be undertaken with a community partner. If there is a partner, details of their role and support needs to be included in the application
  5. Supporting documentation can be provided as an attachment however the primary assessment will be restricted to the application information.  NOTE:  The application may also be supported by a presentation prepared by the students using one media of their choice to explain why their project is important. Examples of media could include video clip, PowerPoint presentation, song, poem, poster, or postcard etc.
  6. Principal’s signature is required to confirm that the project has the full support and encouragement of the school community. The Principal will supervise the expenditure of the grant taking into account there may be variations that the school will be responsible for resolving.
  7. The project will be considered to be concluded upon confirmed receipt of the student’s video clip communication about the project, accompanied by Parent Permission Slips for student images and budget sign-off by the Principal.

To register your interest please email to register your interest and an electronic application form will be sent to you.

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